Compile and maintain a list of persons with sufficient experience in Industrial Relations or Labour Law to serve as conciliators, mediators, and arbitrators
Attempt to resolve, through conciliation, any dispute referred to it
Where a dispute referred to it remains unresolved after conciliation, arbitrate the dispute if
1. It requires arbitration;
2. The Act permits arbitration and both parties to the dispute have requested that the dispute be resolved through arbitration;
3. The parties to a dispute in respect of which the Industrial Court has jurisdiction consent to arbitration under the auspices of the Commission;
4. Annually compile and publish information and statistics about its activities;
5. Advise in the establishment of workplace fora;
6. Periodically conduct, oversee or scrutinize a ballot;
7. If requested, advise a party to a dispute on the procedure to follow in terms the Industrial Relations Act;
If requested, assist a party to a dispute to obtain legal advice;
If requested by the parties mediate any dispute referred to it;
Conduct, oversee or scrutinize any election or ballot of an organisation or federation if asked to do so by that organisation or federation;
Publish guidelines in relation to any matter dealt with under the Industrial Relations Act;
Conduct and publish research into matters relevant to its functions.
The Commission may provide employees, employers, registered organizations, federations or councils with advice or training relating but not limited to —
Designing, establishing and electing workplace fora and creating deadlock breaking mechanisms;
Preventing and resolving disputes and employees’ grievances;
Disciplinary procedures;
Procedures in relation to dismissals;
Prevention of discrimination and the promotion of equal opportunity programmes.