CMAC is offering trainings to its users and social partners. The training is customized to suit needs and varies from half-day presentations to three-day workshops. The training is designed for all users of the CMAC including union officials and shop stewards, employer organisation representatives, legal practitioners and HR/IR managers. Training is facilitated by experienced and specifically capacitated CMAC commissioners.
3. OUTREACH PROGRAMMES – (In terms of new strategy)
The Commissions’ Legal and Training Department offers a range of support services to trade unionists, advice officers, managers and workers. From small beginnings involving a few workshops, these services now deliver a multitude of activities each year, reaching companies all over Eswatini.
The focus of the services is on capacity building, information sharing, awareness-raising and problem-solving.
To educate and inform social partners on the latest developments in contemporary labour law; the Commission through the publication of weekly articles disseminates and shares information on any topical issues in the labour sphere. These articles are occasionally published in our Saturday News Publication – The Swazi news and also periodically compiled into booklet for research purposes.
5. Resources (Legislation, CMAC Rules, Codes of Good Practice)